Friday, November 23, 2007

Annus Horribilis reviewed

Three really lovely reviews.


First the bookbag: click here

I can't defend the typos... Yikes! But I should say that the absence of February 29 is supposed to be a joke. Obviously not such a good one as no one has got it yet, but if you look in the index...

Second, Toasting Napolean: click here

Happily, I can return the compliment to Harry Bingham because I've been reading his Little Britain book and am finding it fascinating, stimulating and all the positive -ings you can think of.

Finally, here's a nice capsule from otherstories:

"This is a fun little book which is excellent for irritating people with (by reading out random entries, even when they don't want you to). A reminder that someone, somewhere, is having a worse day than you."

Just in case those persuade you to buy the book: click here

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